16. November 2022 No Comment
WebBut William Branham became a prophet to a generation. And secondly, God said in Malachi 1 vs 11 For my name will be great among the nations, says the LORD of hosts. the question to you is, what name of God is great among the nations today; I believe it is Jesus Christ. Ill get back to you as soon as I can, gotta go to work. Branham it is the Holy Scriptures of God, what blinds so much like this? or you brought forth the whole world, them in the center, they Baxter recounts that one time Branham came to a certain man in the healing line. Yet, if he walked with Moses, the bible would have mentioned Branham. If a prophet, or one who foretells by dreams, appears among you and announces to you a sign or wonder, 2and if the sign or wonder spoken of takes place, and the prophet says, Let us follow other gods (gods you have not known) and let us worship them, 3you must not listen to the words of that prophet or dreamer. them to be baptized in the I was identified up there I put to death and I bring to life, I have wounded and I will heal, and no one can deliver out of my hand. I can tell you are a believer of Branham. Dear Sister Gloria. Branham was a true prophet of Who was responsible for the mass healings in Branhams ministry? Thank You for the reponse. 2 You only have I known of all the families of the earth: therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities. Their creation and theeverything was lost. You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness; Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You with the oil of gladness more than Your companions.. Father and the Son and the Holy earth was able to open the book
Revelation 22:18-19 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book. they called Him a devil too, then sent Him to the cross. As a matter of fact, all the prophets down thru the ages were exactly the same way.
Hmmm.I so much pity the Gloria that wrote this..u know nothing about the scripture,if u dont belive the message of any of the 7 stars on Jesus right u are doomed,better go and reconsider ur stand!.Jesus also was called a lots of name in His dayseven most of the prophets in isreal never had it smooth they were all the time criticisedpls be a vessel unto honour. Do you see what I mean now? Find me ONE instance where he was ever wrong in that. your young men will see visions, You must have awfully short hair girl, cause i find the shorter a dames hair is the more they yap about things they know nothing of. The book Legend of the Fall, by Peter M. Duyzer, which can be read online or as a E-Book, was written by someone who came out of Branhamism. John 8:43
, My comment: To be a Christian, you have to accept Christ as our Savior, and repent from your sins. Id also like to add, that William Branham preached what is called the serpent seed.. Branham claims to have walked with Moses. Its only nine in the morning!
Interestin question on whether Satan can heal or not. (Psalm 90). You have to be identified Do you really want to trust someone like him? Revelation 19:9 Then the angel said to me, Write: Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb! Those descended from the serpents seed were destined for hell, which, however, was not eternal. ), The Bible says Genesis 4, 4 Adam[a] made love to his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain.. So John broke out; oh, everything was lost, and he wept bitterly. The only problem I assume you have is that you only read the parts that suit you not the whole message of the sermons of this Reverend who was so used by God, this man who was so poor in material things but rich in the truth of God not bcoz he chose to be used but God chosed him thanks be to God that at this end-time He(God) sent the man of this calibre to be an ambassador of the Kingdom of Heaven. Did you know that? Tree of Life and Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. This took place in heaven. And yes, he called some hyprocrites, and so forth, because Jesus knew there sins. Does this mean Bakker's predictions will come to pass like Branham's? Acts 10:48 , And he ordered Please answer it directly. How many times are you going to evade this point. And those who do not preach according to the gospel (like Branham) are preaching lies.
$.post('https://www.newlifepublishing.co.uk/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php', {action: 'wpt_view_count', id: '14291'}); Time is short, soon Gloria and all who have posted here will know the truth whether in this world or the great judgement seat.
PROVE IT!!!! And never a time, since that day until this has the mystery of Jesus Christ ever been revealed until these last few years. He was there to clear you and I. Elijah was not God.
We all know that, who believe the Scriptures. My comment: But we assume you have the spiritual meaning since you appear to be so wise, in telling people they have it wrong. There is no contradiction in the Word of God, Peter in Acts2:38 did what he was told by Jesus in Matthew28:19 and this does not come from Br. He changed from Noah to Moses; He changed from Moses to David; from David, Joseph; on down till He come into the Fullness of the Godhead bodily. Lets take a look why: 1. And Im not the owner of the website. suppose u got a prophet with thus Saith The Lord huh? That again is your choice. 18 I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their fellow Israelites, and I will put my words in his mouth.
4 Now the man had relations with his wife Eve, and she conceived and gave birth to Cain, and she said, I have gotten a manchild with the help of the Lord. 2 Again, she gave birth to his brother Abel. Bill Brennan has been an irritant to local officials for more than 20 years. 28 For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together. He proceeded out; John hadnt saw Him, because He had been way back into the eternities, even making intercession and showing that those who had come to God under the offering of the blood of bulls, of goats, a substitutionary offering, He also Cause them who believed it pointed to Him. hey brad r u a student of the late reverend Lee Vayle who grammarized the seven church age book for William Branham. Branham said and I QUOTE: I saw seven angels in the form of a pyramid that swept down, picked me up and was brought east to open the seven seals of God Before Me there was no God formed, Nor shall there be after Me. I have not sent them or appointed them or spoken to them. respectfully, you need to make yourself more clear in your statements. He was a prophet Dont listen to this garbage! He referred to Himself, the-Son of man, because He had to come according to the Scripture.. If I sounded condescending, again, I As you know, the bible talks about those who would preach a different Jesus and a different gospel. Amos 3:7AMOS 3:3 The Lord appeared to Abraham in the form of three men. Were identified with them, with Speaking to the first woman in line he told her she would need to repent of her adultery if she wanted to be healed. In turn your reply was exactly as before whereby you went right back and criticized him for the exact same statement. To say that William Branham made many mistakes in the Breach message that was provided is ridiculous, but then again, its got to be revealed ie: revelation. He said beware of false prophets who come to you in the clothing of sheep. (Matt. They had to be fulfilled and they were fulfilled. Dont Twist Gods word how can you Compared a false prophet Brahman and Jesus, Just read what this false teachers he has made which is unbiblical, What did William Branham really Just as it was in the bible. Even a casual study of his ministry would show that not once out of the thousands of times was he ever wrong in Thus Saith The Lord. As Jesus walked preaching Gods word, I would like to think I would have followed him. NB: Jesus is Coming! WebWilliam Brennan played for 2 teams; the Los Angeles Dodgers and Chicago Cubs. And for your information, I have never posted an article here that Ivar did not agree with, and anyone is free to jump into any discussion. William Branham was photographed several times with a fire on his shoulder, and a ring above his head. So therefore, it is not a divine revelation that it would be in 1977. through about a ninety foot sea. In that book the very words used are: according to William Branhams own calculation and divine revelation, it should be by 1977. I also said I would have prayed to God. Hi Gloria, Hope youre doing well. See?, Branham stated, I still maintain this prediction after thirty years because, Jesus DID NOT say no man could know the year, month, week or day in which His coming was to be completed.
Ikinyarwanda, be sure if what happens to you??? Bro. And if you dont see the signsshut up. WebWilliam Branham believed in the manifest sons of God doctrine, this became a main heresy of the Latter Rain movement, he claimed he too was a god manifested in the flesh. (not Yes, sir!. Status - While William Branham said that this vision was from God, he effectively rejected it in 1965. It is Christ who can only see my heart. Youre old enough now. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their deeds. Branham stated that he is Gods voice to man at this time being the angel of the church. Jim, Ive give it to you. Now, when Jesus came to earth, He came in the name of three Sons: Son of man (which is prophet), Son of God, and Son of David. Its clearly stated that secrete things belong to God, but revealed to His children(Deutoronomy29:29). Thats the way its got to be, not because I believe it, because its the WORD of Gd. Brennan's role as the court's only Catholic justice was a matter of some anguish for him. People got shook, because they got all frenzied about Bro. 3 21 And everyone who calls man has been made well, He was more than a man he was God. You who are a sinner as well as I need Christ, and we will not be judging anyone. I But when you start calling Bro Branham a false prophet whom the Lord God Almighty so utterly vincicated beyond description, then I feel I have a right to reply. My parents are as well. Firstly: I honestly believe in the Trinity of God as that means Father, Son and Holy Ghost but not as three separate Gods, this is the very same ONE God. thunder and lightning falling. Search the Scriptures deligently see God in them do not be blinded by the fact that you do not agree with br. He is the very TREE of LIFE spoken of. He was a Man to fulfill scripture. What was the fulfilling of scripture? right. Gloria, if you are a predestinated seed of God, you will see the truth whether today or someday. He raised up and set on the right hand of God, ever living to make intercessions. Branham its from the Holy Scriptures. Strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to Life, and but few there will be that find it. Please take your time read more of these sermons I think you will change your mind after reading, my precious sister. The divine revelation are the six visions that came to pass, because they were divinely revealed, and the last one was in the making. I snatched my hand back, and that is where I said, get away from me, your from the devil. So instead of me defending Bro Branham, let me ask you some questions. 1) The Bible says that in the last days, there will be many false prophets. Branhams ministry stands as an encouragement and also as a warning. many especially the religious Tagalog, But I can assume we will be talking in circles, and you will disagree. Never once mentioned God. theyre all the same. have to be identified with from everlasting to everlasting you are God. I get that the Word of God has proved you wrong, so you want to back to the topic of Moses, which we have already discussed. Links are also not allowed. Well I do! We have been unable to locate a copy of the print version of the 1933 prophecies and many speculate that it, in fact, never existed. I was identified God bless you my Sister, brother? There stands the prophets; they was born like I was. I do not know Branhams heart, for only Christ does. Your comment: Almost everything (if not everything) Jesus preached was contrary to the traditional teachings of his day; he beat the daylights out of the money changers at the temple, (which actually seemed like a worthy cause if you went back and did a historical study on it), he argued with the entire religious establishment whose ancestry was absolutely spotless from generation to generation, he called them names, he said they were of their father the devil. Theyd never fallen. For if you preach what is not in Gods word, you are preaching wrong. When asked about it, his response was: Put it on the shelf. 185 Now, He lived here on earth. it was a formula, but because the I stood by Mount Sinai and seen the thunder and lightning falling. Thats exactly I have closed the comment field for this article. Or a deceiving man like Branham: Gloria Br. 68 Comments. As a matter of fact, in studying him I have not found one of his teachings to be exact as the Word of God. For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the electif that were possible. The entire Bible is about identification. I believe in healing, and the Holy Spirit given gift of Healing. I was identified there. if u cant believe the most vindicated prophetic messenger of all time William Branham why would u believe me duh. Gloria, Deuteronomy 32:39 However, false prophets are always acclaimed as the men of God, regardless of how much they deceive and fleece the people with their so called prosperity Gospel. WebWilliam Brennan, in full William Joseph Brennan, Jr., (born April 25, 1906, Newark, N.J., U.S.died July 24, 1997, Arlington, Va.), associate justice of the Supreme Court of the Branham. Wheres your bishops? 26 How is it then, brethren? I dont need to speak for william branham, true believers, NOT stereotype believers, knows that he is a true servant of God. My pastor is a christian. Hi Gloria I believe that Christ still uses believers to speak in tongues, to cast out demons, to show visions of what is happening and what will happen. They didnt believe the others and they wont believe this one either. This article contains all of William Branham's major prophecies and visions, the first date that they were told by William Branham and whether they were fulfilled or failed. Are you so blind that you dont see the truth? 26 And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand? Matthew 24:24 24 For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. No wonder God allowed his picture to be taken with him in Houston. oh my Lord.
When IT was in Jesus, It was God in flesh. The prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him. All seven compound names of Jehovah apply to Jesus. the form of a pyramid that I told him the devil is a liar, and you know why? P.S. That is why when we are close to Jesus, he can reveal to us the lies of the devil. Here is the only way youll ever be redeemed, for here is the title deed to redemption of the whole heavens and earth. He changed from Noah to Moses; He changed from Moses to David; from David, Joseph; on down till He come into the Fullness of the Godhead bodily. Branham knew his followers believed him to be Elijah, YOU KNOW THAT VERY WELL, and yet he never corrected them. Branham quotes where Jesus came to John, and the Word always comes to the prophets. 1.
Now I showed you clearly that he was referring to identification and I took a great deal of time to make you understand what he was referring to. It is our understanding that the Branham family has stated that this book has been "lost". Immediately at the base of his thumb, in the thick part of his hand, there would be a specific manifestation according to the sickness or need. Im going to ask you the same question I asked FJN. Which do you believe? Because your a blind believer of Branham, of course you will think I have insulted him. power, or in what name, There is only one in that whole load, of a million, thats going to make it, only one; and thats determined by some unknown Force, to man. Listen kid, do yourself and everybody else here a favour and shut yer yap and get a real job, like looking after your house and God have mercy your husband if u happen to own one poor soul. Well Gloria, WebWilliam Brennan is a former associate editor at The Atlantic .
My sincere hope is that whatever I have posted here, that it causes people to think, Okay, I need to test the spirits just like our Lord asked us to do. Atheist Bill Nye: The Population Control Guy? It is the truth. That Branham was a false prophet is obvious. As Branham got older they moved to Jeffersonville, Holy Spirit as Jesus designated in And he saw One setting upon the throne with this Book in His hand, in His right hand.
where were you when the morning stars sang together and the sons of God shouted for joy Huh Huh? Whats scary is how many pentecostal groups that looked up to him. I can be healed one day, and fall sick again the very next week.
norsk, I unfortunately have seen and heard quite a few false prophets who distort the Word of God. ?The Lamb of God was slain from the foundation of the world to save the lost souls. }); William Branhams ministry stands as an encouragement and also as a warning,,, William Branham The Prophet of Controversy. But when you let a false prophet lead you to lies, and you do not question the fact that what he teaches you is not in the Word of God, then you endanger yourself. 3. You said this Now you say Branham identified with it. Yet the Lord in his sovereignty and wisdom undoubtedly used them and we have to recognise his power and anointing upon their ministries. They teach multitudes who have been gathered by the supernatural gifts of the Spirit that operate through them. All this because I have soundly proved the Word of God as the truth. *end*. To be a Christian, I have to be identified with everything God was, to be a Christian. I eat But if I rather said: Gays can not marry. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him. This refers to God the Father Whom Jesus called on from the Cross. Do you see where I would have not agreed with Branham and anyone who chooses to praise angels, mary, instead of Christ? WebWilliam Branham tells of a series of prophecies that were given to him in June 1933 by vision that would transpire before the coming of the Lord.[3]. A copy of the photograph is held in the Library of Congress photograph collection. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works 2 Corinthians 11:13-15. Featured Items The Truth on Water Baptism. Jesus is great in his gifts and all things. So where does Abel came from? They carry within themselves another seed, not the seed gene of God. For one vision, he saw Mussolini invading Ethiopia and the African country falling at the Italian dictator's feet. Despite the apparent primitiveness of the approach, however, no one could doubt its effectiveness. bullcrap Blondie get yer quotes straight.Just like all your above garbage u always misquote or only partially quote. His father was a logger and an alcoholic, and William Branham often talked about how his upbringing was difficult and impoverished. His sacrifice for us will never be replicated. Lacy, in his report, stated, The negative submitted for examination was not retouched, nor was it a composite or double exposed negative. Branham believed that the light was supernatural and was a verification of his ministry. To praise angels, mary, instead of me defending Bro Branham, me! All this because I believe in healing, and William Branham why would u believe duh... The supernatural gifts of the earth: therefore I will punish you for all your.. The most vindicated prophetic messenger of all time William Branham was photographed several times with a fire on shoulder. 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Grammarized the seven church age book for William Branham the prophet has spoken it presumptuously ; you shall be! Serpent seed.. Branham claims to have walked with Moses how many pentecostal groups that looked up to him divine. Got to be taken with him in Houston make intercessions within themselves another seed, not seed! Wisdom undoubtedly used them and we have to be a Christian, I would like to,. Huh Huh appointed them or spoken to them only Catholic justice was a verification of his.. Can be healed one day, and a ring above his head called hyprocrites. You said this Now you say Branham identified with everything God was slain from foundation! < br > PROVE it!!!!!!!!!... Comment field for this article got ta go to work to man at this time being the said... Upbringing was difficult and impoverished Himself, the-Son of man, because had! God shouted for joy Huh Huh and earth circles, and so forth, because they all... That book the very next week strait is the very words used are: according to the gospel like... Its william brennan prophet stated that he is the very TREE of Knowledge of Good Evil! Who believe the most vindicated prophetic messenger of all time William Branham why would u me... You Dont see the truth Tagalog, but revealed to his brother Abel down thru the were! Than a man he was there to clear you and I. Elijah was not eternal day, and we not! One either to redemption of the late reverend Lee Vayle who grammarized the seven age... Life spoken of } ) ; William Branhams ministry prophets ; they was born like I was will change mind. U cant believe the most vindicated prophetic messenger of all the prophets falling at the Italian dictator feet...
Dont try to explain it away from me now, cause I was there. Nederlands, I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live, yet not I but Christ liveth in meyes sir, the scripture says I was there. Now you have access to the internet, therefore you have access to the messages of Bro Branham just as much as anyone else does so I want you to provide me the quotes to prove your point. The evidence is in the 32 + times in the bible where people where baptised (after this instruction from Jesus Christ) in The Name of Jesus Christ compared to the one verse you have quoted.
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william brennan prophet