16. November 2022 No Comment
Justin Trudeau's statement about former Cuban president Fidel Castro reads differently if viewed as a note about the death of a family friend: a short message on the passing of Uncle Fidel. All those pictures youre seeing of Trudeau in blackface are real (but hes not Castros love child), The National Post, a Canadian newspaper, told its readers on Friday. Some hazardous materials or other specialized loads cannot cross any other way. gtag('config', 'UA-43227631-1'); What in the world does ARSH stand for?? Thousands of people flooded downtown streets, sometimes making them difficult to navigate. Ive always loved Canada for the freedom, Mr. Braeker said. Justin Trudeau's statement about former Cuban president Fidel Castro reads differently if viewed as a note about the death of a family friend: a short message on the passing of Uncle Fidel. Ce fut aussi un vritable honneur de rencontrer ses trois fils et son frre, le prsident Ral Castro, au cours de ma rcente visite Cuba. Fidel Castro, leader plus grand que nature, a consacr prs dun demi-sicle au service du peuple cubain. That food is regularly disseminated to the truckers by the road captains and block captains, who stop by their trucks at intervals and ask if theyre hungry. Activer loption dimpression du navigateur.
Lors d'un discours devant 25 000 personnes, il s'est cri : Viva Cuba! Yes, in complete seriousness, Justin Trudeau is Fidel Castros biological son, and like his father, Trudeau is a Communist dictator and monster, and mass-murderer.
He said he opposed mandating that people receive the shot.
A handwritten suicide note left byFidel Castro Diaz-Balart, 68, the eldest of Fidel Castros legitimate children, appears to confirm the longstanding rumor in Cuba that Fidel Castro is Justin Trudeaus father. En 1992, Pierre Elliott Trudeau a visit Fidel Castro pour le tournage de sa srie tlvise intitule Mmoires. In April 1971, the Trudeaus took a long second honeymoon all around the Caribbean. He covers politics, business and entertainment. En mentionnant dans sa dclarationles liens qui unissaient sa famille celle du dirigeantcubain, Justin Trudeau pousse certains imaginer des liens plus forts que ceux de lamiti entre les familles Trudeau et Castro. Legendario revolucionario y orador, Castro hizo importantes mejoras en la educacin y el sistema de salud de su nacin islea". A Political Hit Job by the New York DA. Geoff Robins/Agence France-Presse Getty Images. Vendors made quick sales of small Canada flags and T-shirts that rudely told the prime minister where to go. Jugal K. Patel,Eleanor Lutz and Vivek Shankar. First, Margaret Trudeau, Pierre Trudeau, and Fidel Castro were all notoriously sexually promiscuous. The numbers of truck drivers protesting vaccine mandates in Canada has swelled since the drivers first gathered last month. A story claiming that Fidel Castro was the father of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is not true. Canadas prime minister, Justin Trudeau, at a news briefing in Ottawa on Thursday.
Strong physical resemblance aside, the Cuban rumors are also bolstered by historical facts. En su mensaje, Trudeau expres "profunda pena" despus de conocer "la muerte del presidente que gobern Cuba durante ms tiempo". Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeaus tribute complimenting Fidel Castro as remarkable and a larger than life leader who served his people drew criticism and derision. The Trudeaus embarked on a Caribbean holiday in that time frame, with reports of visits to various islands in the Caribbean. Le respect de votre vie prive est important pour nous. Protesters in Ottawa, the capital, vastly outnumbered the police. Ms. Moody, who had spent the last two weeks at the movements original demonstration in Ottawa, said she wanted to see an end to mandated health restrictions. "Aunque fue una figura controversial, el inequvoco apoyo de Augusto Pinochet a la industria de los helicpteros hizo mucho por la creacin de empleos". Ante las crticas por su mensaje respecto a la muerte de Fidel Castro, Justin Trudeau reitereste domingo que Fidel Castro "tuvo un impacto profundo y duradero sobre el pueblo cubano". In Paris on Saturday, the police fired tear gas after dozens of cars emulating the Canadian protests evaded police checks. Thats old Pierre Trudeau on the right, pretending not to have a problem with his young and attractive wife hanging off the arm of Cubas swashbuckling dictator. El senador Ted Cruz, cuyo padre naci y se cri en Cuba, dijo que el tributo de Trudeau era "deshonroso".
Is the mask-wearing, sock-loving, all-singing, all-dancing Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau actually the son of Fidel Castro? But the Ottawa police still were not issuing tickets or making arrests.
Analistas vieron la declaracin de Trudeau como exagerada y parcial, al ignorar los sealamientos deabusos a los derechos humanos y represin poltica del lder cubano. They are professionals, they know what theyre doing, and they are pacing themselves.. Production shutdowns will worsen a shortage of new vehicles, which has already driven up prices, IHS Markit, a research firm, warned Friday. The Canadian government denied it, Cuba has never claimed it and Trudeaus parents never visited Cuba until several years after Justin Trudeau was born. They recite the Canadian governments official travel dates to Cuba and painfully avoid the Trudeaus extensive personal trip to the Caribbean trip in Spring 1971. Justin Trudeau enlace Fidel Castro qui s'est dplac pour les funrailles de son pre en 2000. Je sais que mon pre tait trs fier de le considrer comme un ami, et jai eu loccasion de rencontrer Fidel lorsque mon pre est dcd. Ils ont dcouvert qu'ils avaient beaucoup de choses en commun, ont pass des heures discuter et sont devenus amis, ajoute l'ambassadeur de Cuba au Canada, Julio Garmenda. The different convoys, which had started out in cities like Nice, Brest, Lille and elsewhere, appear to be only loosely coordinated on social media and on instant messaging platforms. Every hour this persists the costs rack up, said Brian Kingston, president of the Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers Association, whose members include Ford, G.M. Many trucks are trying to use a bridge that connects Port Huron, Mich., with the Canadian city of Sarnia, north of Detroit. This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author. Trudeau and Sinclair were swingers perverts partaking in orgies, and Trudeau was an enthusiastic cuckold, enjoying watching other men fornicating with his fianc/wife. Carmakers have been left short of crucial parts, forcing companies to shut down some plants from Ontario to Alabama on Friday.
Heres where the trucker protests have spread over the past few weeks. But the facts dont add up, and the Canadian government has also previously denied the contention. En nous soumettant vos commentaires, vous reconnaissez que Radio-Canada a le droit de les reproduire et de les diffuser, en tout ou en partie et de quelque manire que ce soit. writesKaren Leibowitcz on her Medium account, Trudeau the PM certainly has an authoritarian streak, You Never Thought It Would Look Like This. But the police did not put down concrete barriers to keep the trucks a safe distance from the legislature, nor did they ensure that the downtown core would not be converted into a parking lot. Some volunteers pour the gas themselves into the fuel tanks, or into reserve plastic gas cans that the drivers have. It was only at that point that everyone understood how a 30,000-pound tractor-trailer that a trucker may live in for days at a time while on the job could be converted into a strategic tool of protest huge and immovable, equipped with a heater and a bed, and with a built-in, ear-shattering noise maker. A story claiming that Fidel Castro was the father of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is not true. Trudeau is the second-youngest prime minister in Canadian history after Joe By Saturday night, the bridge was still closed. In central Paris, thousands of peaceful demonstrators walked on the Pont du Carrousel on the Seine River, waving French and Canadian flags and chanting: QR code, never again! Freedom! No to the vaccine pass!. I know my father was very proud to call him a friend, and I had the opportunity to meet Fidel when my father passed away, Mr. Trudeau said at the time. The Canadian government denied it, Cuba has never claimed it and Trudeaus parents never visited Cuba until several years after Justin Trudeau was born. .Le premier ministre voulait ainsi se dmarquer de la politique trangre des tats-Unis. It is very deep what brings me here: I grew up under Hitler in Germany, he said. Sharon, a clinical social worker, has made the three-hour drive from her hometown to Ottawa to join the protesters over the past three weeks. Who is leaking Grand Jury Information.
The Canadian government denied it, Cuba has never claimed it and Trudeaus parents never visited Cuba until several years after Justin Trudeau was born. To sustain the protests, organizers and volunteers have followed an intricate plan. Aujourdhui, nous pleurons avec le peuple de Cuba la perte dun leader remarquable. Pierre was not amused.. Mr. Trudeaus mother, Margaret, famously traveled to Cuba and met Mr. Castro at the beginning of 1976. "Aunque controversial, Darth Vader alcanz grandes alturas en la construccin en el espacio y fue una figura formativa en la vida de su hijo". Si vous n'tes pas l'aise avec l'utilisation de ces informations, Enfin, Justin Trudeau et Fidel Castro se ressemblent, c'est indniable. Le nom dutilisateur (pseudonyme) ne sera plus affich. Organizers of a U.S. convoy said a protest would be held in Washington, D.C., on March 5. She stayed into the afternoon, as the earlier tense mood grew festive, with people dancing and waving Canadian flags. They dont have an easy job, said Scott Spenser, 36, looking up from a drum concert on Sparks Street, as a phalanx of six officers marched by. Well-wishers bring care packages of home-cooked food, first aid kits, drinks and candy. Ils taient trs proches et ils ont test leurs limites respectives, ils ont prouv une affection mutuelle et en particulier du respect pour la pense de l'autre, note Robert Wright. While Cuba does not appear on an official itinerary, it is inconceivable that they would visit neighboring islands and choose not to visit their good friend in Havana while they were in the neighborhood. Its the third week of demonstrations that began as a protest against Canadas vaccine mandate for truck drivers crossing the U.S.-Canada border. But the viral fact is false on the grounds mentioned above. Others were in their 90s. Bear in mind this trip to Cuba took place one year before Justin, who does not resemble his father Pierre at all, was born. Cutting to a CBS News segment from 2017, the audience was treated to an analysis of the sexual tension between Margaret Trudeau and Fidel Castro, with Margaret quoted as describing Fidel as the sexiest man she had ever met before admitting that she spent the whole trip to Cuba flirting with the communist despot.
La declaracin finalizaba as: "Nos unimos al pueblo de Cuba hoy en el duelo por la prdida de este formidable lder". Some proponents of the falsehood have pointed to a striking resemblance between Mr. Castro and Mr. Trudeau. The hope is that this will be over shortly, said Dan Hearsch, a managing director at AlixPartners, a consulting firm that has been helping auto companies cope with the turmoil. Her nude photographs are still widely published on the internet. Ingrence de Pkin : le Canada doit-il bannir la tlvision chinoise? Judge Who Ordered FBI Raid Exposed as Obama Donor Who Vowed to Destroy Trump, Pelosi Declares Chinas Communist Dictatorship Is One of The Freest Societies in The World, by Sean Adl-Tabatabai in Sponsored Tout le monde m'a dit la mme chose : c'est le bb. Margaret Sinclair was psychologically unstable and a sex pervert like Pierre Trudeau, who was also a closet Communist. Bien entendu, aucune source officielle na comment ces allgations. But the demonstrations have transformed into a broader cry of frustration against Canadas pandemic restrictions which are among the most stringent in the developed world and against the leadership of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Discovery Company.
Allowing the protests to enter their third weekend has increased the toll on the economy and on daily life. Le premier soir, Pierre, Margaret et Fidel taient assis sur le bord de la piscine comme s'ils taient des amis depuis toujours.
"Osama Bin Laden fue ciertamente una figura controversial, pero sus contribuciones a la seguridad aeroportuaria no tienen comparacin". "He estado leyendo su nauseabunda carta de amor al fallecido Fidel Castro y pienso: 'Seguro, t no perdiste a un ser querido a manos de un escuadrn de ejecucin. Le premier ministre canadien, Justin Trudeau, serait-il en vrit le fils du dfunt commandant en chef de la rvolution cubaine Fidel Castro? Fidel Castro tenant Michel Trudeau, 4 mois, dans ses bras, en janvier 1976. Mr. Braeker is not vaccinated but is not against others getting vaccinated. On Saturday, one of the few Black protesters in the crowd, a woman who gave only her first name, Sharon, because she said she mistrusted journalists, wore a sandwich board that read: Do I look like a white supremacist?. The Canadian government denied it, Cuba has never claimed it and Trudeaus parents never visited Cuba until several years after Justin Trudeau was born. The disruptions threatened to linger as truck drivers and members of far-right groups protested vaccine mandates and other pandemic restrictions in Canada and called for the resignation of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Citing published reports and other documents,Liebowitcz notes that the Trudeaus were huge fans of Castro. They recite the Canadian governments official travel dates to Cuba and painfully avoid the Trudeaus extensive personal trip to the Caribbean trip in Spring 1971. Sign up to get unfiltered news delivered straight to your inbox. Seor Castreau y su Pap. According to Kemper, Justin does not write his own speeches or tweets, but instead performs scripts written for him by his globalist overlords. I am Cuban. My brother is Canadian. The answers will surface in a post-mortem, but initially, analysts link the police officers hands-off approach to two opposing factors: the weaknesses of the local police force in size and preparation, and the relative strength of the occupiers in numbers and logistics. But the visit was more than four years after Mr. Trudeau was born, on Dec. 25, 1971. Protesters have also mocked Mr. Trudeau in recent days by showing real images of him in blackface. Fidelito wrote that his father, Fidel Castro, was always comparing me unfavorably with Justin and dismissing my achievements in comparison to his success in Canada., But what was I to do? It was too said that Castro son Fidelito stated in a letter Justin as his half-brother proof of which was neither found by the media nor the independent reporters. The police had driven some protesters away in the morning, forming a line to push them back, but others stayed, and the crowd swelled as the day went on, despite frigid temperatures.
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